A talent show is a show with the intent to find "talents" and it is based on the competition between artists that are judged by judges or by a public. From years 2000 it is very diffused specially in Anglo-Saxon world, like USA and United Kingdom.
United Kingdom
Many of the talent shows were born in United Kingdom. In 2001 the record producer Simon Fuller created the talent show "Pop Idol" and "Popstars" where participated a lot of aspiring singers. After, they spreads in other countries too, like Australia, USA and France. In 2004 was born the talent show "X-Factor", ideated and produced by Simon Cowell. The programm had a lot of success and it became famous in many other country included Italy. In this programm participated lots of famous artists like Leona Lewis, Olly Murs, One Direction, Rebecca Ferguson...

In 2007 "Britain's Got Talent" was transmitted, created by Simon Cowell, where participated amateur artists of any age who perform in various disciplines: singing, dancing, making comic shows...
In 2012 was realized the British version of the Dutch talent show "The Voice". The judges of this show was Will.i.am, Tom Jones, Jessie J, Kylie Minogue and the singers from the band "The Script", Danny O'Donoghue.
United States
In United States the most important talent show in "American Idol", transmitted since 2002. Over the years, many famous artists participated as judges: Jennifer Lopez, Simon Cowell, Nicki Minaj, Ellen DeGeneres, Randy Jackson, Mariah Carey...
In 2011 were transmitted "X-Factor" and "The voice" too. The judges over the years were (o still are): Demi Lovato, Christina Aguilera, Shakira, Usher, Pharrel Williams
St.George is the patron saint of England, celebrated on April 23th. His emblem is a red cross on a white background, it also is the flag of England and soldiers wore it on their tunics in war to avoid confusion.
St.George wasn't English at all. He was a Roman soldier who protested against Roman's torture of Christians and he died for this. His popularity comes from Crusades times, when it is said that the Normans saw him in a vision of war and they were victorious. However English people don't celebrate their patron as a real holiday;it is more likely to see them celebrate with big parades St.Patrick's day, than see them celebrate St.George's.
On Saturday I didn't go to school, so I woke up at 10 o'clock. In the afternoon I did all my homework and in the evening I went to my uncle's party, for his 50th birthday. It is a big goal, so my mum, that is his sister, organised a lot of funny games with every type of ballons, cards and other unusual things. The protagonist of the night was obvioulsy my uncle, but we all had fun. There were so many things to eat! Meat, sandwiches, omelettes, casatiello, pasta and I can't even remember what else. At the end of the party, four cakes came out! Cheesecake, millefoglie and other two with fruit on them. I must admit that I didn't stop laughing for a moment, I had really a good time.

On Sunday I woke up at 9 o'clock and I did thousands of housework until midday. I had a really big lunch: pasta with sauce, sausages and meatballs, salad, zucchini and some little pastries that my grandad brought at my place. At half past four I went to the mall with my family, I bought a lot of things: a dress, three T-shirts, two jeans and two pair of earrings. I walked for three hours and I was really exhausted in the end. We all had an icecream and we went home, I was very tired, so I went to sleep at 10 o'clock.